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Month: June 2020

8 Jun ‘20

successful mobile marketing

7 Tips on Successful Mobile Marketing for Small Businesses

8 Jun ‘20

In: Marketing, / By: Ripe Media / 0 Comments

In the last decade, mobile traffic has increased by 222 percent and this number is only set to increase more as 5G is rolled out globally. More than 52 percent...

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15 Jun ‘20

marketing with social media

7 Benefits of Marketing with Social Media for Startups

15 Jun ‘20

In: Marketing, / By: Ripe Media / 0 Comments

It's no secret; social media has changed how we market ourselves to customers.  Social media is a resource that allows you to communicate with customers like never before, and build...

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22 Jun ‘20

web design mistakes

7 Web Design Mistakes to Avoid for Startups

22 Jun ‘20

In: Web Design & Development, / By: Ripe Media / 0 Comments

Your startups' website is your elevator pitch.  With a website, you have limited time to convince potential clients of the benefit of your company over the competition. Your website needs to...

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1 Jun ‘20

mistakes with SEO

7 Mistakes with SEO to Avoid for Small Businesses

1 Jun ‘20

In: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), / By: Ripe Media / 0 Comments

With 85 percent of customers using the internet to find local businesses, it shouldn't come as a surprise that small business owners are investing in digital marketing more than...

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